


Amaia is an intelligent service capable of having friendly conversation with a user about almost any topic. It uses Artificial Intelligence to provide text responses and to build the emotional profile of the user. Amaia's goal is to help the user whenever it's feeling bad or down, acting and behaving just like a good friend.

The project is currently offline and disabled.

Residenza 42 Web-app

Residenza 42 is a web-app that I developed during my stay at Milano's Bicocca University student dorms. The goal was to create an online system to take reservations for the laundry service and serve as a bulletin board for the dorm residents.

The app has been developed with Angular + Firebase integration, running on Google's servers. I'm planning a migration of the app to improve performance and stability to Lavarel as part of my learning process. The app is not accessible to non-residents. As of today, the repository is not public.


Want to see more?

Take a look at my GitHub page and public repos!